Elixir currency and localized number format

Matt Chad
2 min readApr 26, 2020
Elixir and Cldr logo
Elixir + Cldr

Today, I’ll show you how quickly and easily add support for ISO localization in Elixir. My app is named Bazaar, so you should rename all occurrences of Bazaar with your’s app name.
In the mix.deps file add dependencies for:

defp deps do
{:ex_cldr, "~> 2.0"},
{:ex_cldr_numbers, "~> 2.0"},
{:jason, "~> 1.0"},
{:gettext, "~> 0.11"}

We are using Cldr for localization with Cldr.Numbers for numbers and currency formatting and Jason lib for JSON decode/encode. Also, gettext lib is required by Cldr for additional locale support.
Download and compile dependencies:

mix deps.get && mix deps.compile

Configure Cldr lib:

defmodule Bazaar.Cldr do
use Cldr,
default_locale: "en",
json_library: Jason,
locales: ["en", "zh"],
gettext: Bazaar.Gettext,
data_dir: "./priv/cldr",
otp_app: :bazaar,
precompile_number_formats: ["¤¤#,##0.##"],
providers: [Cldr.Number],
generate_docs: true

We’ve just added support for en and zh locales where en locale is set as default one. There is also specified provider with Cldr.Number item that indicates we want to use ex_cldr_numbers hex.
Remember to add /priv/cldr/ to .gitignore because localization files are downloaded during compilation.

Time for testing. To start interactive Elixir and use dependencies from the current project, move to the project directory and run:

iex -S mix

Now you may use localization with this simple function call:

Bazaar.Cldr.Number.to_string 1231231, locale: "zh", currency: "USD"

Successful execution will result in printed amount of US dollars in Chinese locale format:

{:ok, "US$1,231,231.00"}

For full documentation, visit official page of Cldr hex provided in the links below.

